Appreciation ???
More people should use the boards for this classic film
Regrettably, neither this film nor BILLY THE KID VS. DRACULA falls into the "so bad it's fun and can be watched over and over again" category - it's just plain laughably bad. It does feature late-career performances from Steven Geray and Nestor Paiva, but Geray is so inept, and Paiva's role so brief, that it isn't worth watching again even for their presence.
"I don't use a pen: I write with a goose quill dipped in venom!"---W. Lydecker
"Regrettably, neither this film nor BILLY THE KID VS. DRACULA falls into the "so bad it's fun and can be watched over and over again" category - it's just plain laughably bad."
That's totally subjective, for many like me these two films do fall into the so bad it's good category.
I collect dead pigeons then I press them between the pages of a book.share