terrible teamwork

To do a job this big, he would be crazy not to make sure she was absolutely 100% clear on the plan every step of the way, yet she seems to not have a clue from one minute to the next what he's gonna do next.


My thoughts exactly. And while he may have had a plan from start to end, he didn't seem too sure about the outcome of every step. He's well prepared for the key part (he does have the required tools to open the closet from the inside), but is surprised when a vital part like switching off the alarm actually works. I don't think he would have had a plan B in case some part of his plan failed.

Rome. By all means, Rome.


These observations may be true but there are a few things worth noting. While it appears that his goal is to steal the Venus, this film is not as simple as that. If stealing the Venus was his goal, no doubt he would have just filled her in on the details. But actually his goal is to woo Nicole. If he simply outlined everything he had planned, it would have taken the surprise out of the relationship, which it was to his advantage to include. He plays on the fact that Nicole has no idea what she is getting into. It is the unknown details that make the attempt to steal the Venus exciting.

He is surprised when a vital part like switching off the alarm works. But the point is that he is taking a risk with huge consequences that will require some luck to work. But he is prepared to take the risk to earn the reward. The reward however is not the Venus, rather Nicole. If you view the relationship as the treasure he has his eyes on you will probably view the film slightly differently. He is taking a risk, and it ultimately comes off.

Rather than terrible teamwork I would say it is marvellous team work. Here is a guy who has never pulled off a heist in his life who shows he cares enough about the girl to undertake something extremely risky in order to help her out. Now can any women here comment on how romantic that is? Also women, do you think it would have been as playful and exciting had he revealled everything straight away? No, I think he got it right. It was not a smart play in terms of stealing the Venus to not tell her everything. But I think it was a smart play in terms of stealing Nicole's heart. He did tell her what she needed to know when she needed to know it.

But from the other side of the coin, we have a woman who is prepared to put her trust in a man she thinks can help her because she is desperate and has no one else to turn to. It would have been natural to have doubts and demand to know everything. But I suspect she found it exciting to not know how he was going to do it and preferred to be surprised in the hope that he would amaze her. He turned out to be not only worthy of her trust but far more than she could have hoped for.

Both of them were taking a risk. He may have had a plan but he couldn't have any certainty of what he hoped to achieve, which was the winning of Nicole's heart. It's nowhere near as romantic if he has every base covered. It is the fact that he risks so much for Nicole that appeals to her (and women in general). Ask any woman if his actions are as romantic if he knows he is not going to be caught and that he has every contingency covered. He is prepared to hope for a bit of luck and in my opinion it was a risk he had to take!


Remember: He isn't really a professional thief. Audrey just thinks he was because she caught him with her father's "Van Gogh". He really had no more idea what he was doing than I would; he was just doing this for the "damsel in distress".

"The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things,"
Of atoms, stars and nebulæ, of entropy and genes.


Man, some people juuust don't get it. You're one of those people, as I know you didn't get what I was saying.
