James Michener was always brilliant at discerning the objective truth of the history of the places about which he wrote. Here, again, he recognizes the truth of the native Hawaiians and the tragedies foisted upon them by the well meaning but arrogant and narrow minded evangelists of Christianity and the "superiority" of the white race.
Is it possible that humans may ever have the wisdom and courage to see the world as it is and stop trying to turn it into some creation of their own in the name of gods which have never been shown to exist?
Max von Sydow does a great job and should have been nominated for an Oscar. And this is a beautifully made film.
One only has to look at the Native Alaskans to realize it wasn't "Christianity" but "Western Evangelical Protestantism" that was the problem.
I can't help but wonder what the post 1803 history of Hawai'i would be like, had the Russian Orthodox evangelized Hawai'i rather than the Puritans of New England.
If you have seen other movies, read other books, and studied history, you should know even the nominally "same religions" quarrel within themselves. Colonization and ministries also included Catholic versions, like the Jesuits and Franciscans working in the same vicinities, and at odds/competing with each other.
Some acquaintances were Greek Orthodox, and my experience is that those few individuals "talked the talk", but didn't walk-the-walk. (Read that as "do what I say, not what I do"...) Your Russian Orthodox suggestion may not have ended up with a substantially different ending, just a different 'path' to that ending. Please notice that I am not broad-brushing that religious denomination, only relating my experience with a few individuals. I do wonder just how much of the foreign ministries was the few individuals versus the general opinion of that particular religion. However, I am not so naive to not know big differences occur within the overall groups/religions. (In the recent news is the Roman Catholic Pope's visit to the Americas, and he noted differences in the American (USA) Catholics from the European Catholics...)
Since China has just revised its official 1979 "one child policy" to "two children", population control is in the news, and it had crossed my mind that the Hawaiians 'disposing' of the less-than-perfect infants, and even the midwives killing the breech (turned around) babies before they 'took them out' were both forms of population control, within their own religion. By opposing those practices, Abner was going against long standing traditional practices that may well have prevented gross overpopulation of the islands. There have been few movies directly confronting that topic, but many have 'slipped the topic in' like this one. just sayin'
Some acquaintances were Greek Orthodox, and my experience is that those few individuals "talked the talk", but didn't walk-the-walk. (Read that as "do what I say, not what I do"...) Your Russian Orthodox suggestion may not have ended up with a substantially different ending, just a different 'path' to that ending. Please notice that I am not broad-brushing that religious denomination, only relating my experience with a few individuals.
Yes, and those "few individuals" were not Sts. Innocent, Herman and Juvenaly. Read about those three men and their work with the Alaskans and then try to tell me that the Hawaiians would have suffered the same fate with the Orthodox at the helm.
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Well said, jeff. If this film doesn't dissuade evangelicals from the folly of their hubris, nothing ever will. (And I expect it never will: those devouts are as blind as bats.)
The folly of Religious Arrogance about the one religion that is allowed (unlike Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists or Jewish) to be depicted by Hollywood to show...