Had Rev. Hale gone to Honolulu
This movie, to me, is a big lead=on to make the main character (NOT Julie Andrews or Richard Harris), Max Von Sydow's Rev Abner Hale, more crazy and zealous than he was from the beginning, and that's the first mistake -- for to have sent him in the first place with all the red flags concerning his pride. Wherein Hackman's character had a true christian attitude (that you don't see much in movies, and when you do, like Hackman in this, they're unimportant cameos), Hale should have stayed around Yale a big longer till he mellowed out. And if he didn't, then they could just send him on his way.
Then, the person who talks him into going suddenly forgets he wants his people converted, and basically goes from a Christian to an Island-Religion Believer all over again the minute they hit shore...
But the main question I ask is, If the big lady (forget her name) didn't fall head over heels for Julie Andrews, and Hale had gone to Honolulu with Hackman and the others, would he have been more grounded since he would have the same eye kept on him that was having second thoughts about him at Yale?
Something tells me that if he acted the way he did, as basically, the only Christian on the island, at Honolulu, he'd have been punched out and sent on the first ship home. I think his problem is somewhat like Marlon Brando in APOC NOW. He lorded over, or attempted to lord over a people he looked down upon simply because he was left all alone.
That should never have happened. They should have snatched Andrews away from Large Marge and sailed the zealot to where he'd be watched, metered, and punished.
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