This Movie is SO Dumb...

This movie is so dumb I couldn't finish watching it. Maybe I wasn't in the mood for another version of I Love Lucy. Maybe I hate to see good actors wasted. If Melcher had really known what he was doing, he'd've cast Doris in a remake of "Annie Get Your Gun" instead of this lame caper.



THis is one of my fave movies of all time. I dont understand how anyone cannot love this movie.


I'll admit there are times one might not be in the mood for screwball comedy, but this is a WONDERFUL example of it. There are times when one might not be in the mood for drama, but that does not take away from the quality of Twelve Angry Men.


Me too - one of my favorite movies. Just pure escapist fun. And I have a low tolerance for shallow, vapid, silliness.

For the type of light comedy/romance they were trying to accomplish, this was a fine specimen. It still holds up very well almost 50 yrs. later, when viewed in the context of 1965.

I get that it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea. But you'd have to be taking things, including yourself, way too seriously to be that bent out of shape by 'The Glass Bottom Boat'.

Lightheartedness -- give it a try sometime.


It is not is a light hearted movie just to enjoy.

Wish more movies were made like this... so many movies have lewd jokes or are violent.


Very strange, but I don't like this movie either. All the stars look wonderful, but it's too silly for me and I usually like silliness. As I look at the movie list, I see this one is one of her last ones. No wonder!! And did you say Melcher picked this one. He must have wanted to end her career. She was so smart in some of her other movies and in the next few films she appeared to be doing slapstick!!! No No No, I love Doris and I didn't like this one and there was another one with Rod Taylor that was absurd! I must look that one up now.


Just watching it now, and yes, it's very silly. Between all the 'futuristic' gadgets and the really hokey spy sub-plot, it's kind of hard to watch. Except for a Doris looking so ripe and lovely.

As far as Marty Melcher goes, he wasn't trying to end her career, naturally, but he'd made so many bad investments with Doris's money that she was almost broke. Melcher had signed her up to do movies and the TV show that she didn't want to do particularly, but ended up having to do them contractually.
I'm sure if Doris had had the choice, she would have passed on silliness like this. It couldn't have been good for her career.

But hey, lots of people have made a few bad movies in their careers. Kevin Costner almost made a career out of appearing in losers.


Pity because the second half of the film is very good. During the first half I was waiting to see whether it was going to be more of a musical or romance but it turned out to be a delightful farce with an excellent supporting cast.


Granted, the second half was better than the first, and the movie was pretty to look at but it was like a marshmallow, all fluff and nothing inside. A family friendly movie that will kill some time.


I would hardly call this a "delightful farce." It is sub-par for Day, on every level.


The film flagged a little here and there, but I liked it for what it was, a kind of innocent rom-com spy film. I always liked watching Doris Day. I wasn't a big fan of hers, but I really liked a lot of her films.


I started watching this because I like Rod Taylor, but gave it up after 20 minutes. Judging from how many people like it, perhaps I should say that what absolutely killed it for me was DeVol's stupid and intrusive Mickey Mouse music.


It was kind of sappy.


Yeah, and anti-gravity doesn't exist at all!


Dumb, maybe a little but so much better than the other one she did with Rod Taylor...the boring waste of time called Do Not Disturb.


It's quite amusing, Doris Day is good, I particularly like the bit where she starts pretending to really be a spy, that's funny. certai ly we don't need a remake of Annie Get Your Gun, once was enough.


But Rod Taylor was SO sexy, and it's always nice to see Doris Day! It's upbeat 1960's escapism. It was an optimistic era, in spite of everything, and Doris Day seemed to brighten every film she was in.
