I only have seen this movie on TV (Am awaiting a DVD instead of purchasing an old vhs).
I too first thot Rampling a sister of Georgy, but she is just a roommate. Not the best roommate, but it's understandable that Geo. would leave the home soon after adulthood.
When she comes back to her childhood home, she comes back in power...(And she deserves power).
When will someone realize that the Lindsey Lohan audience and the 1960's audience & actually women who like chick flicks are three groups that would enjoy this film??? Reissued in DVD with pics, interviews. (It was very popular when it came out.)
I've been waiting for this movie to come out on DVD for a long time. Lynne Redgrage was so terrific as the "quirky" Georgy. I checked on Tower Records-England; and this hasn't even come out there. What gives?