Ahead of its time!

Unmarried pregnancy,abortion, casual sex ...enough said. I recently viewed this film, because I am too young to remember . I was born in the 60s. I can only imagine the public outcry , befitting of the religious right , when this film came out. Older posters, please educate me.


I don't remember much more than people saying how good it was. I was living in London at the time and perhaps it was different in the States. But in many ways movies were more grown-up then and the religious right was nothing like as influential.


I need to also comment on your post as you are dead on correct. Back then movies like that were more grown up and were for grownups only. Films like "The Graduate," "Mash", and "Georgy Girl" to name a few were meant for adults. They had some humor but were not rented and shown at a 9 year old's birthday party (I mean, if they had had DVD's back then) the way things like "Knocked Up" are now.


It's silly to say that. The real difference is now you just have more of everything. You still have a lot of "grown-up" movies as you call them, along with all the other junk. I mean it really wasn't that much different back then.


"But in many ways movies were more grown-up then."

Well how the hell do movies grow down? And I don't know about the religious right being more influetial now. In what way? It seems to me the religious right is only influential to those who were always religious anyway or who already had some kind of inclination of going that way at least, save for a few born again christians, most of which i think have lived desperately dysfunctional lives and have real neurotic problems that they hide away under the guise of "finding God." But relighion doesn't really mean anything to most normal people now. It seems to me religion was way more influential back then, and way more an integral part of people's lives. Just look at now. Abortion is legal for one, every kind of porn you can think of is more readily available than ever before, marriage or "holy matrimony" is going as poorly as ever with over half now ending in divorce, there's more admitted atheists than ever before and even more people who while maybe not being outright atheist are either agnositc or want little to do with the traditional trappings of religion.


I was born in 1957 and I remember it being on TV, must have been early 70's so I was in my teens. But my mon was watching it and was uncomfortable and turned it down when any of us kids came in the room. I remember cathing a glimpse of Meredith when she was real haggard and pregnant and angry and it definitely seemed to be a very edgy, if not scary, movie. I saw it in its entirely about 2 years ago. It sure is edgy


I tend to think it was not ahead of its time at all - in fact it was a product of its time, and quickly became somewhat dated as a result. That’s not a bad thing, and in fact, that’s part of what makes it enjoyable to watch. We can see much of the same in movies like Alfie, and a few others mentioned in this thread.

I don’t remember any real backlash against the movie at all. The conservative movement, which often rants against any movie which attempts to reflect real world attitudes and behavior, didn’t really start to kick in for another ten or fifteen years after GG was made, and this genre of film was not subject to the internal industry censorship that earlier “Hollywood” films were. It was perfect timing.



Actually a lot of these types of films were being putting out back then. Check out "The Young Lovers", casual sex, pregnancy, abortion, all common themes and this was an excellent movie. Shame it can't be found on dvd.


You can buy a very poor quality 22:9 version DVD on ebay for 3 or 4 dollars, or look for an original format VHS, if you can play such a thing. Both are commonly available. The film was restored a few years ago in its original exhibition format, complete with the long-lost musical soundtrack (hastily replaced with a production substitute for the VHS, DVD) but it’s doubtful that this will ever be transferred to DVD, because there’s just not the money available to do it.


The conservative movement was only convincing to conservatives.


I don't know about that. Check out A Taste of Honey and A Kind of Loving, made several years before Georgy Girl.



I'm sorry to say I didn't really enjoy this film : (

And I love classic movies.

The playacting/joking between the characters seems forced. Maybe this was a swinging London thing that's just gone stale.

The manic and "playful" Alan Bates character is nerve-rackingly annoying.

The fairytale ending is an abandonment of all logic. Real life problems don't get solved by a millionaire rolling out a red carpet for you.

The portrait of Georgy as an unattractive woman who must settle for being a mother (because the only man who finds her attractive is a somewhat creepy, predatory old man) is insulting...especially since the actress isn't really an unattractive woman.

I'm sorry, this film just didn't do anything for me...except make me admire Redgrave as a game, energetic performer.

Speaking of sexually frank films from the 1960's, I've always wanted to see "The Chapman Report" (1962). It's not reportedly very good, but I'd like to see the performers' (Jean Simmons, Shelley Winters, Gynis Johns and Jane Fonda) takes on the material.


Actually, it's pretty much OF it's time - kind of bold for 1966 I guess, but certainly not without precedent (for instance, Darling from the year before comes off much less dated than Georgy Girl because it doesn't seem so self conscious and on-the-nose about its "shocking" content. Then again, John Schlesinger is also a much superior director to this... Narizzano?)

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan
