2. In 1962 the NHS began dispensing the birth control pill at very low cost, so what was up with her "wait until I get pregnant and then have abortions" method?
1. WHY was she so mean?? -She was your typical self-centered "IT" Girl of the day.
2. In 1962 the NHS began dispensing the birth control pill at very low cost, so what was up with her "wait until I get pregnant and then have abortions" method? -I don't quite get this either...but I can only assume Meredith just couldn't be bothered to pop a pill everyday.
I was wondering about the meanness too. I really enjoyed the movie, but my biggest beef was that some of the characters were too extreme, almost to the point of caricature. This is especially the case for Meredith, but also true for Jos (too manic) and Georgy's dad (so single-minded in his servility). I suppose people like this exist, but to have 3 out of the 5 main characters written that way is a bit much.
When she leaves the hospital and all her cares behind and determinedly hops in that sports car, my first thought was that the baby wasn't Jos'. Her runway walk complete with smirk, attracting many second glances, and then just zooming away cemented that idea for me. Is that the idea?
I don't consider Meredith to be really mean, per se, or at least not on purpose. I believe she was so self centered and concerned with her own self and no one else, that her attitude could have been interpreted as meanness.
For example, in the scene where she is leaving the hospital and all the men are staring at her walk by, it is obvious that her number one concern is to be young and admired by every man she comes in contact with. She has already forgotten about the baby and Joss and is on to the next thrill. She isn't leaving the baby to be mean, it's just that she is more concerned about her own needs and wants.
Although her actions are definitely mean to the normal person, I don't think she intended them to be that way. She simply didn't care how she affected anyone.
---I believe she was so self centered and concerned with her own self and no one else---
I agree with that. But additionally, I think the extreme was necessary to illustrate that Georgy while considered unattractive on the outside was quite beautiful on the inside, while Meridith on the other hand was attractive on the outside and quite ugly on the inside.
---I believe she was so self centered and concerned with her own self and no one else---
I agree with that. But additionally, I think the extreme was necessary to illustrate that Georgy while considered unattractive on the outside was quite beautiful on the inside, while Meridith on the other hand was attractive on the outside and quite ugly on the inside.
But I'm not sure that "ugly on the inside" is quite the right way to describe her. Because that's the point, she wasn't mean, just self-centered. The "meanness" was just a consequence of her cold nature. But people can be called without being ugly, per se. Or at least in my opinion… Because "ugly hearted" people would do things just for the sake of being mean, because that's the very definition of meanness, I think. Meredith didn't do things just for the sake of being mean, she did things her own way, and as a consequence, some were mean. But she didn't do it just because of that. I think truly mean people do things just because of being mean. I think that's the difference between Meredith and the truly bad person. I don't think she was bad.
A person cannot help the way they feel or don't feel. And her not feeling maternal or not having the concerns that most people have, or being self-centered doesn't make her mean either, because as I said, a person can't help what they feel or don't feel. I think it was good that she wanted to give the baby up for adoption, instead of forcing herself to keep something that she didn't really love. And I think it's unfair that everyone expects that just because she's the mother, she had to feel a certain way.
People need to understand that when it comes to being an individual, expectations are really overrated. The problem is that when someone like Meredith doesn't meet those expectations, she's automatically deemed as bad. But if you didn't have the expectations, you wouldn't see her that way.
She's not mean or ugly, she's just who she is.
Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize! reply share
2. In 1962 the NHS began dispensing the birth control pill at very low cost, so what was up with her "wait until I get pregnant and then have abortions" method?
The Pill did and still can have some nasty side effects that a girl like Meredith wouldn't have liked. It's not a magic cure-all.
That's true. Also, its effectiveness can drop considerably under certain conditions (like taking antibiotics). And there are some women for which it just doesn't work.
No method of birth control, even today, is 100% percent fool-proof; they can and sometimes do fail, despite the best efforts and responsible behaviors among sexually active people.
Meredith, however, struck me as an irresponsible, self-centered, immature person who really didn't give a rat's ass about the consequences of her arrogance and stupidity until it ultimately backfired on her...she became pregnant. That being said, I'd be willing to bet the farm that Meredith probably didn't even bother to use any type of contraception...that she was too cavalier about sex to care, until it came home to roost for her, if one gets the drift.
Jos, on the other hand, was also somebody who didn't give a rat's ass about the consequences of his actions and behaviors, either. He and Meredith had a lot in common and probably deserved each other; they were both immature and irresponsible people who couldn't have cared less about the consequences of their actions until it boomeranged back at them. What goes around comes around, imho.