When her and jos kiss on the couch, she's like grunting and making weird noises and sounded like a man. Then she starts cry in front of him into a pillow saying how she's ugly. What the hell is wrong with her? Does she really think she'll attract a man like that? She seems more like the man than jos does!
She frequently acts like a grotesque clown, as when she makes faces in the kindergarten dance class and makes a fool of herself trying to sing like a sexy vamp at a dinner party. I think she does all this annoying mugging, grunting, etc....because she's insecure as she feels unfeminine and unattractive; that's what's wrong with her.
No, I mean, she is honestly just a fat load. She doesn't understand how to attract a man so she thinks SHE has to be the man. She is so hideously masculine that I think she can't even help it. She has all that testosterone blasting through her veins she doesn't know WHAT to do with herself.
'....because she's insecure as she feels unfeminine and unattractive; that's what's wrong with her.' --------------------- I don't see that she feels unfeminine, unattractive,yes.
I found Georgy grotesque and completely off-putting, not because of her looks but her behavior. She is infantile and all that adoration of babies and children is a tip off. She cannot relate in a mature way to other adults, so opts for the safety of little ones. Even the adult relations that she does have are with other stunted people - Josh, a cloying moron and Meredith, a selfish sluttish person. James will be sick of her ere long. I know I was.