The Best + The Silliest

In your opinion, what were the best and worst FX?

I thought the white corpuscles attacking the ship (and Donald Pleasance) were cool, and the lungs looked real.

The silliest were those dinky little oscillating radars around the patient's head.


Gosh; hard to pick. One of the worst effects was the membrane between the capillary and the pulmonary alveolus. Should have been about three yards thick at their scale; instead, it's as thin as a Kleenex.

"The truth 24 times a second."


I'm watching it again now for the first time in decades.

The dinky radar things are definitely very silly.

Another one: When they're approaching the heart and the pumping is supposed to be jerking the ship forward, Pleasance, Kennedy, & Boyd are all jerking backwards at different times. It's so bad, I can't believe they left it in.

I know what you're thinking: "Who cares?"


Worst was still wondering why the ship itself and Donald Pleasance's corpse were NOT de-miniatutized after 60 mins. Just because some anitbodies ate the ship, doesn't mean the ship still wouldn't expand.


The Atoms were never shrunk, the miniaturizing process just shrinks the space between them. As the debris starts to expand the body defenses would deal with them once they got big enough to trigger a reaction. Not sure if this was in the movie but Issac Asimov was very clear on that point in the book.


They could shrink things, but could not improve on the overhead projector.


I wouldn´t say any of the special effects were particularly impressive.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Yeah, but maybe for the time, some were ok.
