The MANY idiocies of this film. SPOILERS
1. When a guy knows he's about to be arrested, hand him a FLAMETHROWER!!!!!!
2. In a bookless society, everyone knows how to read.
3. The fire captain appears to me more literate than the average American! Note his comments on philosophers and his comments on books that black people would find offensive.
4. The cops flying thru the air being elbow to elbow, thus narrowing the area they COULD have searched, to one quarter of the territory that could be covered if they were spead out.
a. Sub idiocy: The cops are filmed in black and white thus making the rear projection gag stand out like a terd in the punch bowl!
5. Any victim will do! Yes, just kill ANYONE. It isn't like Montag has dangerous ideas plus knowledge of how firemen operate or anything.
6. Leave the "living books" unmolested while destroying inanimate books that are have to actually be READ. After all it's the books THEMSELVES running around causing all the trouble for the state, NOT the "dangerous" ideas contained in them!
7. No need for actual firemen to put out fires. After all the entire world has been "fireproofed". No wood exists anymore which might catch fire. And a forrest fire wouldn't be a problem to anyone. Even toilet paper is apparently fireproof! That's a good thing if you eat Mexican food...
8. A guy rides the monorail every day with a woman that looks EXACTLY LIKE HIS WIFE, and he never notices her. Lois Lane was more perceptive. At least Clark Kent wore glasses.
9. Have the box where you rat out friends and neighbors, right outside the firestation where everyone can see that you are turning someone in. Oh, and place a flashing light on the top to make SURE no one misses this.
10. The wife's double lives in a society OBSESSED with burning books, yet has to ask Montag about the significance of the # 451 on his uniform.
11. Lets have a dozen guys and a big red truck with flame throwers & stuff to do a job that usually requires no more than one guy on a bicycle with a can of lighter fluid and a lighter.
Whew! Need I go on? I CAN......!