MovieChat Forums > Fahrenheit 451 (1966) Discussion > When all Books/Internet were erased,Qura...

When all Books/Internet were erased,Quran is only Book that is memorized

When all the Books/the whole Internet were erased today,

the Quran would be the only "bigger" Book,
that is completely memorized by a lot of people,

I dont believe in that Book,

but its a Fact...

- cu Kiss


I have no clue how you come to this conclusion, there are folks with photographic and eidetic memories that could easily remember books, and the bible can be quoted word for word by many theological scholars today.

"Well, isn't this place a geographical oddity! Two weeks from everywhere!"


You should check your facts. There are monks who stlll memorize the Christian bible and Talmudic scholars who memorize the Jewish scriptures.

DL Bach
