I agree! What I liked about Rule's character was how laid-back and comfortable she clearly was with her own sexuality in a mature,realistic way,and without being overt with it----very refreshing and unique for that era. Just saw the film again on the MOVIES channel, and came here to see who she was--her performance is one of the more intriguing ones in the film. In fact, that's what I liked about the whole film---it's a good example of Hollywood's transition from the staid,conservative 50's mindset into a more relaxed free flowing an a little more realistic view of human nature, '60's style, that the movies were beginning to develop into. Plus this is one of Arthur Penn's early films (the director of BONNIE & CLYDE,,MICKEY ONE,THE MIRACLE WORKER) so that's another reason to watch it,too.
And,yeah, it's cool to see Duvall in an early role,showing even back them that he had presence and was star material---as well as James Fox, who does a really good American accent, and who showed some pretty good range for a then-up-and-coming young actor. Only thing I didn't like about the film is that's it's too long and could have been shortened by 20 minutes, but other then that, it's all good.