weston airport

hi, weston airport has changed a lot since the blue max was made there 40 years ago this year.it started as a airport in 1937 by a man called darby kennedy, and is still alive living in spain. darby sold it about 6 years ago to jim mansfield.jim is , as we say in ireland, a larger then life figure, a self made billionaire. he bought airport for 8 million euro and has spent about 180 million euro on upgrading it.check out their website.the new weston airport was opened to public early this year,there is a lovely restaurant on the first floor , the view is to die for the air field in front with small planes taking off and landing, private jets parked up to our left, helicopters to our right,and beyond airfield about 8 miles away the dublin mountains. but, but but the most interesting thing of all for me was when i walked into the ground floor lobby , hanging on all walls were pictures of george peppard in his german uniform with blue max round his neck. pics of of byplanes on runway and so on. if you visit ireland anytime you must go to weston, it is 10 miles west of dublin in a town called leixlip co kildare.
