MovieChat Forums > The Blue Max (1966) Discussion > Stachel's file stamped ?

Stachel's file stamped ?

Did the General von Klugermann stamp Otto's court-martial request ? I know it was Stachel's file, but what is the significance of the stamp ? Will Stachel be "disgraced" and exposed to Germany or did General von Klugermann attempt to cover or clean up Stachel's mess ?



Hi Steve. Well said. I still think the" stamping the file" scene is one of the best movie takes ever..


The general did not stamp Stachel's file until he heard Stachel's plane break apart and knew Stachel was going to crash to his death. After stamping the file and hearing Stachel's plane crash, the general gave the file to an adjutant and said "Give this to the field marshal. It is the personal file of a German officer . . . and a hero." So Stachel's court martial offense of claiming credit for Willi's enemy planes shot down, was being covered up.
