Now, THIS is Great Entertainment!
The night before Halloween I watched Batman, the movie from 1966. This was basically a two-hour version of the TV series, with mostly the same actors (except for a different Catwoman), same sets, same camera angles (the TV series filmed at a tilted angle as a regular thing). The Batmobile is back but now it has cool flames shooting out the tailpipe and there is a Batcopter, a Batboat, and a bunch more nifty gadgets due to the movie's higher budget. It's still painfully obvious when stunt players are substituted, particularly for Robin. It is good campy fun. I watched the series as a kid and collected the comics. As an adult I have love and appreciation for Batman. He is a superhero with no superpowers, a mortal who dresses in costume to fight crime, and Robin is just so cute. I believe only he and Catwoman are still alive from this film. The villains are all fun to watch. What can you say about a movie where the funniest scene is a shark attack, and an exploding shark at that, years before Jaws? As such a Batman admirer, I was dismayed when the new movies came out which made Batman appear as scary as the bad guys. I have never been able to watch any of the new movies based on Batman or any of the villains which must be popular as there are sure enough of them, with at least one currently in theaters.