MovieChat Forums > Batman: The Movie (1966) Discussion > The best Batman film of all time..

The best Batman film of all time..

This beats the bare willies off that Nolan farce. Plus, didn't DKR *technically* pinch its ending off this film's best moment? Isn't the acting of a class of its own? The plotting simply exemplar? The themes are big, heavy, bold; an epic in the truest sense?

I'm only being tongue in cheek, but in a day when all superheroes are deep, complex and disturbed, this is a nice reminder of simpler times.


"A man who does not spend time with his family can never be a real man."


Lol, I never thought about the similarity of the ending before, that's a brilliant observation!!

Gothamite #3
"But it happened at sea! See? C for Catwoman!!"


Having seen this film first-run at the theatre back in '66, I completely agree with you. Plus, it had the best Catwoman!


It is one of my favorites but not the best one I don't think.


i would honestly rather watch this movie over the nolan movies. the "modern" batman films stopped being good with Batman Forever. after that they just sucked.


Disagree. The Batman movies only got good after Batman and Robin was over.
