MovieChat Forums > Batman: The Movie (1966) Discussion > Will there ever be a campy Batman movie ...

Will there ever be a campy Batman movie again?

Batman Forever was half-fun, half serious, Batman & Robin tried to be campy and failed, so will there be another campy Batman film? After the success that the dark Batman films have had, I doubt it. But I'd love to see campy Batman again.

- Gothamite #4

I've learned that it's OK to be flawed - Winona Ryder


I don't think there ever will be Eddro. Everyone loves dark Batman now. After what happened with Joel Schumacher I don't think they will risk it again.


how did B&R "fail" to be campy? that movie would have been right at home in the 60's if the audience wasn't expecting a more serious, darker batman movie at the time. Forever wasn't campy, it was simply more lighter then the tim burton movies. but it was still serious for the most part, and had enough depth that kept it from going too far into the camp area. that's why people accepted it more. B&R, like I said would have been right at home in the 1960's.

but I do agree, I would looove if they went in the opposite direction now with the character. if anything go back to the fun and colorful comic book excitement of Batman Forever. I think we've had enough of the uber dark gritty stuff. time for something different.

Realism, Remakes and Unnecessary Sequels are ruining movies!



60's camp was great, B&R camp, no, not that good, even viewed as a comedy, Arnold was annoying, nothing like the 60's villains.

- Gothamite #4

I've learned that it's OK to be flawed - Winona Ryder


I did not mean it failed to be campy brownish33. I mean that it was too campy and it failed with the public so they will not make another campy Batman again.


Myself between Batman Forever and Batman&Robin, I actually like B&R a bit more, mainly because I thought it was more consistent. That and Jim Carrey ruined the third movie for me, I'll still watch it when I crack open by collection set but his portrayal just grates me.

As for the style of the next film, I'd like to have it between the Arkham games and the DC Universe animated films.


Lego Batman is a campy Batman Film.

I love classic monsters.


Do you mean the games?


No, Lego Batman The Movie DC Superheroes Unite

I love classic monsters.


I did not hear of that. Is it good?


I liked it. It´s a lot like the 2nd game.

I love classic monsters.


I might try it then. Thanks.


it will never happen, but this film is still one of the best in terms of enjoyment


I wish there could but I doubt it. Movies take themselves too seriously these days.
