Interesting film
This being a biographical/historical drama, it is also a religious film in some sense and also an art film. Andrei Tartovsky's emphasis on art is extremely high, when you read his real life quotes, and this film about a 1400's iconographer seemed to fit him like a glove.
Yes, the film is slow, however I like slow films, and moments of silence in films are beautiful, when done well. Even with certain characters, where the camera just pauses on them, there is silence, and it works. The film flows well, and it is beautiful to look at.
The dialogue is superb, and the acting was really good.
The 1400's time period felt very authentic. I just did not like the constant Christian messaging in this, even if it is about a Christian iconographer. Could've been toned done a lot.
The side story of a young man creating a bell for the Grand Duke was kind of out of place, and strange. However, maybe Rublev noted it when a diary of his, was found. However, the construction of the bell was fascinating to see.
Also interesting to see the Tartar's making an appearance.
The film is really well put together, however this is a one time watch.