The Ghost of Nero

I was highly impressed by Count Galba being descended from Emperor Galba 1900 years earlier.

Unfortunately nobody has an accepted descent from a roman Emperor that early. Nero's ghost would not find anyone to take revenge on.


Loved the suspended saber, especially the visible wires used.

This resembled the effects used in Bewitched throughout its run.


If it was a short, straight, and broad sword and came from Nero's tomb, it was probably an ancient Roman Gladus, and not a saber. If it was a saber it must have been a modern weapon picked up by Nero's ghost because it was close.

I noticed that Nero's tomb said simply "Nero" and not "Nero Domitianus Ahenobarbus" nor "Imperator Caesar Nero Domitianus Ahenobarbus Augustus".

Note that when Neor's ghost possessed Benito Mussolini it turned him evil, as expected, but for some reason it didn't turn him artistic like Nero was.

Note that the ghost of Nero was content for his puppet Mussolini to be the strongman of the Kingdom of Italy instead of changing its name to the Roman Empire and proclaiming himself Roman Emperor and changing the official language to ancient Latin, etc.


As far as changing Italian as an official language of Italy to Latin by Nero, after all of that work for them to learn to speak English...................
