MovieChat Forums > The Time Tunnel (1966) Discussion > Why didn't they land on the Seaview?

Why didn't they land on the Seaview?

That would have been a great 2 part episode. Have Tony and Doug land onto the Seaview, where they help Nelson fight aliens from the future, or something like that?


Good idea that. I've often wondered though why they never landed in the sea or a lake when water covers something like 71% of the earth's surface. The odds of avoiding this in over 30 transfers must be pretty remote.

Before anyone says it I'm not serious, I know it would make a boring episode if Tony and Doug were just bobbing about in the water for an hour (or drowned).

They were incredibly lucky though. When they didn't hit a land mass it was:

Good news Doug, we narrowly avoided landing in the sea
Bad news Doug, we're on a pirate ship
Never mind Tony, just tell them we're travellers here by accident and it will be ok.


Interestingly I just read some trivia regarding Irwin Allen.He announced that he was planning a "special episode" of VTTBOTS that would have the Seaview enter a mysterious cavern which would then transport it to an ocean on an alien world.That world would have been where the Robinson family was living & they would meet the crew of the Seaview for an adventure.CBS was the network for Lost In Space & they stated that they would never even consider such an episode involving LIS.ABC was VTTBOTS's network.


Yes, I even got to speak to Stefan Arngrim (Barry, Land of the Giants) awhile back and he said that Irwin wanted a script written where there would be a "Lost in Space"/"Land of the Giants" crossover. One of Allen's 'bright bulbs' at that same meeting remarked to the producer that the shows are on apposing networks. And of course, that was the end of that....


The "Lost in Space/Land of the Giants" crossover could not have happened during the same season.
Lost in Space's final season was 1967-1968, with the last original episode airing in the spring of '68.
Land of the Giants didn't appear on ABC until September, 1968 when it replaced Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea in the 7pm Sunday night time slot.

Of course they could have transitioned one series into the other, but only if Lost in Space moved to ABC.


You are wrong.

Most people do not realize that the first 12 episodes of "Land of the Giants" were filmed in the fall of 1967 because ther series was originally slated to go on the air as a mid-season replacement in January of 1968. It turned out that nothing needed replacing on the ABC network in January, so GIANTS was held over until September 1968 where it was used to replace "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea". This explains why Stefan Arngrim goes from a pudgy little kid to a slim and taller kid by the second year because when GIANTS finished it was three years later (1970).

While the last years of VOYAGE and SPACE were being filmed, GIANTS was in production with it's earlier episodes (most of the boring ones before Inspector Kobick was added to the show).


Well,if Irwin Allen was a creative as Marvel Comics Stan Lee,Doug and Tony would not only land upon the Seaview,but tummble into the vicenity of the Jupiter 2 and the Spindrift.Between the Seaview and the Time Tunnel,both supersub and time space wormhole device could have solved atleast three of the show Fugitive quest backdrop.Plans were made for a Lost in Space/Seaview crossover.Imgine Doug and Tony aboard the Seaview,where Admirel Nelson knowing of the Robinson's predicament,take the sub back Preplanus to help them fix their ship and send on their way to Alpha Centauri.The Jupiter 2 hits a space warp and finds itself upon the Land of the Giants.Closure to all three shows,instead of the dull crap that was produced.


I would love to see a a feature film , TV Movie (or even computer generated) attempt at something like what you suggested.

As bad as would be using lookalikes, I'm sure us die hard 60's sci-fi fans would still enjoy it.

You'd just need to double down on suspension of disbelief.

I've watch 3 of the 4 serie(s) over and over (LIS, TT, LotG), as I've watched all the Star Trek series over and over.


