MovieChat Forums > The Time Tunnel (1966) Discussion > Any Similar Series in the Works?

Any Similar Series in the Works?

'tis true that the remake of THE TIME MACHINE was a disappointment, but still the subject of time travel fascinates the public. Are there any time travel TV shows or movies in the works?

God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)


No answer in four weeks; were producers so disgusted by what they saw in the re-broadcast of THE TRITE TUNNEL that none of them will ever consider making any new time travel shows?
If that was so, I won't blame them.

God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)


I'd love to see a cleverly-plotted story based on this concept, that had an overriding story arc that actually progressed and resolved. Not something as episodic as this was, or relying on Famous Historical Personages Of The Week.

Something in six or eight episodes, maybe. The US networks don't seem to like that kind of format, though, with the possible exception of HBO. The Brits seem to like that style of thing better; US TV doesn't seem to like contained stories so much, but always want the option of spinning the story out thnner and thinner until, like this show, it gets cancelled without a resolution to the plot.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


Looks like they tried a re-format/re-image/re-boot or whatever you want to call it around 2005-2008.

To me this intro looked interesting (reminded me of TTT<->SG1) and promising
But clearly the pilot episode must have been rubbish/sucked and never green lighted for a season. I've never seen anymore about it other than this.

I got the feeling of StarGate:SG1 meets Time Tunnel set in the (our) present.

Would have loved to see the full pilot episode, if it was even made.
Perhaps that was just a trailer?


EDIT: Opps, I just noticed another thread 'The 2002 Pilot Episode' that could be referring the above link I posted.
However in that thread there is NO link to the 2002 episode they are discussing
So I dunno for sure.
