Chase Through Time

Definitely my personal favorite episode.


What was most effective and even disturbing was the grim ending where Duval is left behind in the hive, about to be killed by the approaching (off-screen) giant bees.

I like the fact that we don't see the bees (I know, it was due to budget limitations) and it ends right before he is slaughtered in the most horrific way, but it played upon your paranoid imagination.

Also, the final moments reminded me of the dark ending of FIVE CAME BACK, where the criminal is left behind in the jungle, as the (off-screen) headhunters close in on him. I remember having disturbing nightmares afterwards. A shocking climax worthy of the EC Comics.

Also, I always wanted to see more of the Tic-Toc Installation, which I found intriguing, but the limited budget obviously prevented that.


Not one of my favorites, but I agree that not showing the bees was the key to making that ending work. Even if they could have afforded it, there's no way they would have pulled it off better than what the viewer was left to imagine.


One of my 3 fav eps, the other 2 fav eps are: The Pilot and End Of The World.

"Deluge", I agree with most of your comments, and I would add that the stock movie music playing over the hour is indeed a key element to the entertainment value of CHASE THROUGH TIME.



Thanks for the "praise of music cues".

I mention this because, to my constant surprise, many fans of TIME TUNNEL have no interest in the stock/non-stock music at all????

Imagine TIME TUNNEL without that music playing over it????
To me, it would be like the PSYCHO (1960) shower scene without that Bernard Herrman music playing over it.



. . . where Tony and Doug DO NOT appear in the midst of a battle or chaotic situation.

They do land in the middle of a safe nowhere - Grand Canyon in the early 1500's.

HOWEVER, This has to be the same episode where Duval plants the bomb, escapes through the tunnel, where our boys are.

Never the dull moment.
