MovieChat Forums > The Time Tunnel (1966) Discussion > What is this about two new episodes?

What is this about two new episodes?

What are these two new 2012 episodes of TIME TUNNEL listed here? If they aired in November of 2012 as claimed, I'd sure like to know where they aired. I can find nothing about these on the Internet. Please provide proof that these so-called episodes exist, whoever submitted them.


I'm very skeptical:

1 - I can't find anything about these episodes in any news article anywhere. If this were an attempt at a revival, someone somewhere should be trying to publicize it. Nope.

2 - The only reference I see to them outside of IMDB are two poorly-written fan fiction pieces.

3 - One of the "stars" of one of the episodes is listed as "rumored", even though the episode supposedly has already aired.

4 - One of the episodes has John Zaremba listed in the cast, not as "archival footage" like Robert Colbert and Whit Bissell, but Zaremba died 26 years ago.

5 - If this were truly a revival series like the new versions of The Twilight Zone, then it should be listed as such, not as the second season of a series that was cancelled 46 years ago.


i'm submitted them.


Okay, then. I asked for proof of their existence. Please tell me - where and when did they air?


November 2012. and the other episodes will pop up in a other week or so.


OK, I'd like to see these new ones. Where can I watch them?


on Hulu


They are not on Hulu; it has only the 30 episodes from the original series.

One last try: If the two "new" episodes currently listed have already aired, where were they carried?


Butterfly, Old Japan - Parts 1 and 2, Holiday World, Ring in The Fire, Cutting Stuff - Parts 1 and 2, Together we Save The Day, Volcano Island and To Destroy The Volcano Island


1 - Incorrect information given.

2 - Non-responsive answers to repeated questions.

3 - I checked the websites for both James Darren and Lee Meriwether, which I should have done a long time ago, and neither site mentions anything about these episodes.

Conclusion: Troll.

End of discussion as far as I'm concerned.


Season 3 is out. the episodes are...

1 - A New Beginning
2 - Tunnel SA-3277 (Under Attack)


I can find no information about any of this anywhere. I've found fan fiction episodes with similar names, but nothing that is real. I'm going to put in a request to remove this without seeing any official reports.


Please go ahead and make that request. I've already done so, and so has at least one other member. Maybe if they see enough requests, it'll speed things up.


I read several episodes were paired off and showed as feature length tv movies, similar to what was later done with Planet of The Apes (1974) but the 30 episodes that aired in 1 season are all there are. No more, no less. This is no place for April Fools Gags.


Saw this on Youtube

Time Tunnel Remake Pilot Episode


The episodes exist, you can see the pilot at this link, the other'm still looking ...
