MovieChat Forums > The Monkees (1966) Discussion > What was each Monkee known for on the sh...

What was each Monkee known for on the show?

What was each Monkee known for on the show? Mike constantly wore a wool hat. Micky did a James Cagney impression. Peter was a lovable dope who occasionally said "I'm just a kid". I loved when he said that. What was Davy known for besides his English charm and diminutive size? What else were the other Monkees known for?


English charm and diminutive size

Lol..those are the first things I thought of. I suppose the tambourine, maracas, horses and stars in his eyes are high on the list.

I liked Micky's various accents.

On the show, Peter was occasionally known for putting on the wrong clothing, then the other guys waited for him to get it right. On another note, today when I watched The Monkees Watch Their Feet (if I recall correctly) Peter spontaneously chose the wrong song to sing according to Davy, but I don't recall if Peter had a habit of choosing the wrong songs.

Mike was pretty good at stammering in an amusing, unique way. Also, people seemed to have trouble getting his last name right. My favorite pronounciation was "Nesbitt."

Mag, Darling, you're being a bore.


I remember when someone referred to Mike as "Nesters" and he corrected them. The person replied something about a nester being a homesteader or farmer who settles in cattle razing territory.

Nesmith prefers to be called Michael. But back then on the show he was MIKE. I am a little surprised the producers had Mike and Micky in the same band because the two names are so similar. And neither one had Michael as his first name. Micky was born George Michael Dolenz, Jr. and Mike was born Robert Michael Nesmith.


At times I'll call him Michael without thinking about it. I prefer to call him that, but intentionally will say "Mike" just in case people are more familiar with that name, since it was the character's name on the show (makes me think of when Peter made sure to mention in an interview that there's a difference between the character Peter Tork and the real Peter Tork).

I am a little surprised the producers had Mike and Micky in the same band because the two names are so similar.

Good point. I've always known which was "Mike" and which was Micky, yet sometimes I'll say the wrong name and right away have to correct myself.

Speaking of which and to go along with the topic, I don't recall how often it happened, but the Monkees getting their own names mixed up happened at least a couple of times on the show (and of course in the opening credits ;).

Before when I said Davy was known for having stars in his eyes, to go along with that I should've finished the thought regarding how his character seemed to fall in love almost every day.

Mag, Darling, you're being a bore.


"...there is a difference between the character Peter Tork and the real Peter Tork" .... Especially since his real name is Peter Thorkelson. The producers made him shorten it to fit on the TV screen.


neither one had Michael as his first name. Micky was born George Michael Dolenz, Jr.
When you're born named a "junior" (or anything with the same first name), the need to distinguish your name from your father's growing up very often results in you being referred to by some variation of your name, such as your middle name, as happened with James Paul McCartney and John Charles Julian Lennon. This would certainly explain "Micky" Dolenz.


I've always heard/read that "Davy was the cute one".
Youngsters, especially in that area enjoyed cuteness first and foremost. It often seemed the writing played into that.
Davy was so much more but that was a general role of the character.

Cute is now a dime a dozen today since pics, people, and even plastic surgery is so easy to see, meet, and get today.


The Monkees developed the nickname, ?The Pre-Fab Four,? due to the network honchos wanting to tap in on the popularity (and money, of course,) of the Beatles, ?The Fab Four,) but safe and parent-friendly.
They had Davy as Paul, the cute singer, Mickey, as Ringo the zany drummer, Peter as George?s quieter, sensitive one, and Mike, as John, the cerebral rebel. Using the huge pop song writing team of Boyce and Hart (and Neil Diamond-for ?Daydream Believer? ) The Monkees were the faces and the songwriters were the talent. Nesmith was furious about the arrangement, wanting the Monkees to be the musical talent, writing and performing in the vein of the music of the late 60?s-addressing the war and other controversial topics. The feud created a riff between the boys and the TV execs. Touring allowed the Monkees to perform their ?TV hits, lip-synced on the TV show, plus some of their own creative musical contributions.
They were on the cutting edge in many ways??Jimi Hendrix opened a concert for the Monkees, their move, ?Head? was penned in part by Jack Nicholson, and they tried to sway the TV music away from ?bubble gum? pop to music that was controversial and meaningful.
It was great to see this huge re-emergence of their popularity in the 80?s, with ?Daydream Believer? climb the charts again, partly due to the ?The Brady Bunch? movie which included the famous ?Davy and Marsha?s Prom Promise.?
Shocked at the passing of Davy Jones, it was nice they all had a chance to perform together again (even Mike at times, I think,) as the years go by.
I?d still love to have seen the concert with Hendrix opening for the boys. I heard there was quite the ?smoky? atmosphere backstage at that show,lol!


Well for me as a kid I thought of each as a big brother. I had a troubled childhood and The Monkees were my escape from the abuse. This was in the 80s.

Mike for me was the biggest brother and kind of the boss. He kept everyone in line but was funny and sweet too. But he was in charge.

Peter was sweet and child like. He was the type someone turned to for a kind word when needed. He would cheer you up.

Micky was the class clown type. He would make you laugh no matter and he could get others in trouble but charming enough to get you out.

Davy was a mix of them all. He was quiet and thoughtful, very charming, child like and funny.

As a kid when I'd escape from my world I'd often write down stories my adventures with my Monkee brothers. Little did I know at the age of 10 I was writing Fan Fiction. Lol

I don't know if other fans would agree but this is how I viewed them from the age of 10-13. Then entered New Kids on The Block. Lol


I thought of them as Davy being "the cute one" (although I had a crush on Micky) who was always falling in love at first sight with pretty girls. Peter was the most innocent and child-like. Micky was the wildest and most energetic, and Mike was the most serious one.

After I grew up, I could see parallels between The Monkees and The Marx Brothers. Peter was like Harpo, Davy like Chico, Micky like Groucho, and Mike like Zeppo. An oversimplification but there ya go.
