MovieChat Forums > The Monkees (1966) Discussion > Question about Monkees series/episode

Question about Monkees series/episode

I happened to be watching a couple episodes of The Monkees today. I was wondering if the opening to the show was the same back in the 1960s as it is today. Aren't some of the scenes from the opening as we see it now from the second season? Is the original opening available anywhere?

One of the episodes I watched was, I believe, "The Chaperone," although I could have sworn the song "Midnight Train" was on that, and it is not listed as one of the songs included in the episode on the source I looked up. So, hopefully this is the episode I am talking about, and someone might be able to answer my question.

There is a scene where a woman passes out on a bed, and the Monkees are around her (I believe they needed her to be awake, but she seemed to be intoxicated; there was a funny scene where Davy had her recite a tongue-twister in front of some candles and on the last word her alcoholic breath causes them to flare higher).

I believe one of the Monkees said "She's stoned." Then another says, immediately afterward, "...drunk."

I'm wondering what that exactly meant. Did I mishear it? If I heard it correctly, I thought that maybe the term stoned -- which, at one time, might have been synonymous with alcohol intoxication, although I am not sure -- was too strong to use on television in the '60s, so they added 'drunk' to that scene to offset the stoned term.

Either way, I laughed, but I was curious if anyone remembers that scene, and might be able to comment on it. Thanks.


You are correct, sir. Here are the original opening credits from season 1: I guess they changed them in syndication to the ones from season 2 for uniformity.

And some of the songs heard now in syndication are indeed different from the ones on the original broadcasts. You'll see in the closing credits what the original ones were. Why those changes were made, I'm not sure.

They were pretty rough, but they had something.
What was it?
I think it was the trousers.


There are two episodes from the first season that still use the first season credits. I don't remember which episodes.
After the first airing of Season one, several songs were removed and replaced with songs from Headquarters, released during summer repeats. During Saturday morning repeats songs from the last three albums were used. This was to promote those albums. I believe the syndicated episodes use the summer of ’67 songs.
The DVDs use the proper songs and credits.


The Royal Flush episode, the 1st ep of season 1, had different songs listed in the closing credits on Nickelodeon/MTV repeats in the 80s and a local channel here in the Boston area, WLVI 56. The songs listed were "Apples, Peaches, Bananas and Pears" & "Good Clean Fun." However the Nickelodeon version used two different songs probably from the 67's repeat, "You Told Me" from the Headquarters album and "The Girl I Knew Somewhere." The local channel used the original songs "This Just Doesn't Seem my Day" and "Take a Giant Step" but had the different listings.
