MovieChat Forums > Mission: Impossible (1966) Discussion > Which episode have you seen most often?

Which episode have you seen most often?

The Legend. Season 1. Episode 20.

Gunnar Helstroem guest starred. Need I say more?

It's not one of my favorites, but it always seems to be 'on.'


I'd have to say The Pilot. At least it's the one I remember all its scenes the most vividly.


Offhand I'd say Blues from S6 or Movie from S7. There are several others that could claim the #2 spot.


Double Dead in season six is an episode I like to rewatch. Willy does a great job connecting with one of his captors, which helps save his life. And The Deal in season seven is particularly interesting, because although Willy was not dead, the team thought he was. It was the only episode in the entire series that a team member was believed to have been killed in the line of duty.


The Traitor in Season One, largely because of Eartha Kitt.


The Heir Apparent Season 3 Episode 1... for reasons apparent. :-)


The Bride Season 6 Episode 15. James Gregory plays such an interesting villain. And "Casey" tumbling out of the coffin.


"A Spool There Was" from season one.
It was fun watching Landau and Bain do an episode by themselves.


Probably the photographer or the Town. Only because they were part of that VHS collection that was put out in the 90's. Not sure if I watched them anymore times than the rest of the collection but they stand out more for me for some reason. Especially the photographer with that ending which was great. Loved Jim's line at the end about "while you're in prison, waiting to die, I want you to think about something, etc.." That was great.


The Mind of Stefan Miklos


+1 to this.

Great ep.

Also loved Recovery, Very typical of the show. But most watched would be Stefan Miklos.


The entire 2nd and 3rd seasons. I have the entire series on DVD and I watched them all thru twice, but 2 & 3 seasons 5 times. I never get tired of any them. Now that's a great show.

Spenser with an "S", like the poet.


The season one episode The Diamond. Why? A different number of reasons:

1) The gorgeous dress Cinnamon was wearing in the briefing scene
2) John Van Dreelan playing the Nazi, sorry, I meant Dictator
3) Barney and Willie getting the real diamond away from the henchmen and replacing it with the fake one AND doing it from the room next door!
4) And of course, the final scene when the bad guys get blown up (or at least I hope they did) inside Dan's "diamond making machine.

I am a Vulcan. We embrace technicalities.


odds on evil. season 1.


It seems like over the years, I've run across "Old Man Out" (2 parter) more often than most.


I've watched The Emerald more than usual. I just really like that one a lot.

The scene in the last act after Petrosian has Willy send the message to Williams and he drinks the drugged cup of coffee. When Willy removes the wall. His complete shock when he sees Phelps, Cinnamon, and Rollin standing there. Silently, scrutinizing him. His vision blurred as the sedative takes effect and he finally passes out. In my opinion it is one of the most iconic scenes in the entire series. And it all takes place on a cruise ship.
And then there's the hilarious way Cinnamon blows off arms dealer Tomar. After losing the big poker game, he suggests they have a drink in his cabin.
"I don't think so. I don't really need any more losers."

Ouch! That's worse than a cold shower.
