Theme Song

Whoever wrote the theme song should be a billionaire! It's what I (and so many others) remember most about the show. Really, a catchy tune!

*** UPDATE! ***

I just downloaded the show from usenet. The theme song words and lyrics were written by George Wyle, Sherwood Schwartz and Gerald Fried.



I cannot believe I finally found the name to this show! I remember the theme song - not sure I watched the show when it first aired on TV or in reruns as I was 5 or 6 when it aired. I'm not losing my mind - no one knew what I was talking about! I thought it was hilarious!

Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. H.L. Mencken


Oh - I knew the theme song as "It's about time, it's about's about you and your ugly face!" No wonder I couldn't find the actual show - I was looking up the lyrics! hahahaha

Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. H.L. Mencken



YouTube has a very nice clip including the entire theme song.
C Yarwood


I found about 15 complete episodes of It's about Time on YouTube and GUBA.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find the premier. However, I did find these from YouTube.

2 The Copper Caper

3 The Initiation

4 Tailor Made Hero

5 The Rainmakers

6 Me Caveman - You Woman

7 The Champ (Incomplete. Missing last 3 or 4 minutes.)

8 Mark Your Ballets

9 Have I Got A Girl for You

10 Cave Movies

11 Androcles and Clon

12 Love Me, Love My Gnook

13 The Broken Idol

14 The Sacrifice

These were on GUBA only:

15 King Hec

17 Which Doctor's Witch?

There was also an incomplete episode on GUBA listed as "The Mother-in-Law" which would've been episode 16. I don't think it's the correct title. I believe it may actually be "The Stowaway" episode 26.

All of the first 18 episodes were set in prehistoric times. Episode 19 was a transitional episode which brought the astronauts (plus the main cave family) from the stone age to the present (1966). Episodes 20-25 took place in 1966. I couldn't find any of these "modern day" episodes.

According to "The Stowaway" was the last episode shown. It took place in prehistoric time but was apparently delayed from it's original intended broadcast showtime and shown last.

I think I have this info correct, however, some is from research & memory. I remember seeing an episode in which Shad's mother shows up and has problems getting along with Gronk. I think that's actually episode 16, "The Mother-in-Law"

If you haven't seen these for 40 years or so you might enjoy them. Have fun!


Do you know if the lyrics are on Lyricsseeker or somewhere? Can the show be viewed online or has the film of it been lost forever? As I remember as a kid, it was funny, but I guess it got canceled after 1 season. I remember part of the lyrics as: It's about Time, It's about Space, It's about _ _ _ _ and the Human Race????? I remember the Prehistoric humor and the Cave Men and that the astronauts were trying to find ways to go back to their own time. That's about it! It was funny, and I remember missing it the next year! I was totally bummed out!
