"THE HOLLYWOOD SQUARES" played as Tic-TAC-Toe to get 3 Squares in a row either across, Up & Down & Diagonally to figure it out the star get the correct answer or make it up and that'll get the squares. From October 17, 1966 to February 10, 1967 the 1st game's worth $100 and the 2/3 match wins $300 + $100 = $400 Guaranteed Bonus for the total of $500. For the 10 games equals 5 matches totaled $2500 and wins the new Car. From February 13, 1967 to June 20, 1980 the 1st game now worth $200 and the 2/3 match now worth $400. For the 10 games equals 5 matches still totaled $2000 and wins the new car. From January 5-9, 1976 "The Whole Thing" wins the champion from $20,000 to $25,000 as the Show's progressived. On September 6-10, 1976 "The BONUS PRIZE SQUARES" presented for 1 of the 9 stars has an envelope and open it and revealed message to the prizes especially cash amount from $500 to $5000. The Secret Square Game played either The 1st, 2nd or Rubber Game of the match as contestants get the question correct wins the prize package or otherwise getting the question wrong lose the prize package. The Value of the prize worth $1000 in Prizes or Cash from October 17 to December 30, 1966 and from January 3, 1967 to June 20, 1980 The Starting Amount of $1000 has increase by $1000 greater, less or exact for tomorrow.