Hopefully you'll check this board again someday. I've never posted on IMDB before but your message prompted me to do so.
I've always been a big fan of the Hornet radio shows and the TV series is one of my favorites, seeing it for the first time on FX years ago. My TiVo has about 10 episodes on it from Starz Action channel!
Please relay to your father a big "Thank you!" from one Hornet fan here in New Jersey. Watching the show lately, I really noticed that Van brought a real tough-guy, dangerous quality to the Hornet. You really see a dual-personality between his portrayl of Britt Reid and the Hornet and how even his body language changes when he's in the mask and fedora, too! Really well played!
I've always thought the show was 10 years ahead of it's time and, if it wasn't caught up in the wake of the 60's "Batmania", it should've been on for a few years longer. Luckily, we still have Season One and Kevin Smith's new Hornet movie in the near future. All I know is, if Kevin's true to his word about this being a "generational story", Van better be getting a casting call from Kevin! It would be great to see him back!
Thanks again!