Apparently a jazzed up version of Flight of the Bumblebee, I'd rank its theme song right up there w/ Peter Gunn, Secret Agent, 77 Sunset Strip, Ripcord, & Jonny Quest. It's got attitude. When you hear it, you expect a lot from the show. Over the decades, it's been in & out of syndication a few times, & I'd always look foreward to watching it intitially, but seldom made it a regular staple. Like for some reason, it got so the parts I wanted to see the most was the beginning & the end, so I could listen to the cool music. There were good episodes, but generally the show seemed to be anticlimactic. The last time it came through was after I knew more about the background of it & Batman. I think I know in part why it may have had the effect that it did. One commenter aptly called it the Antibatman. I'd call it the Unbatman. It seemed like the main drive was to demonstrate the difference between it & Batman."Look how much more serious we are!" "Look how we're just another crime drama." "We're not a superhero show!" I would *not* have been surprised if Britt Ried wore an "I Am Not Batman" T-shirt. It's not that I'm such a diehard Batfan that my Batsensabilities are offended. I pretty much liked the show, but I can see why people might think it's stupid. I think the GH's problem was that it used so much resourse proving what it's not, there was nothing left to prove what it was. If it was an attempt on Dosier's part to live down Batman, it shows. If the GH is just another crime drama, then what's the difference? Seems the main difference is that it's about masked superheros, that could be the very thing GH is trying to live down.
Like I say, it did have good episodes. LIke the one where GH is shot & wounded by the police. As Reid, he didn't want his wound to help police make a connection, so he arrainged an armed ambush at the DC by Kato, for him to get wounded. I also liked The Silent Gun. It was my 1st impression of what guns w/ silencers were like. Also the scene where Black Beauty intercepted & disabled the Twin Beech the bad guys were trying to take off in was pretty good.
I just realised, the show did have the unique twist of the crimefighter using his reputation as a fugitive as an occasion to hide in plain site while undercover.A sting operation(Pun intended). That is something new premice wise. My "nothing new" statement was refering to the apparent way the show was played out. Like it was characterized more by what it was not than what it was.
I'd be curious to find out what I think of it now. It wouldn't be the 1st time a show or movie was better the 2nd time through. It's probably a lot like the newer Batman movies. (Keaton, not Kilmer)
There's only 1 Yogi Bear. They tried a 2nd time, & they made a Booboo!HeyeyeyhEY!