MovieChat Forums > The Green Hornet (1966) Discussion > How About Releasing This Finally On DVD?

How About Releasing This Finally On DVD?

This is getting insane with this.How much longer are they going to keep this tied up?Now is the time more than ever to release this on dvd.You can capitalize so much on the movie right now with this on dvd.And Bruce Lee fans want to add this to their collection as well.Same also goes for Batman and Spider-Man.Who cares if they look dated,alot of fans want them for nostalgic reasons.


Batman isn't on DVD either. They have passed up one opportunity after another with all the Bat-mania of the past twenty years. Legal problems, or plain old greed.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Since Fox was able to release the Batman spin-off movie to home video (both VHS and then DVD) with no hint of a problem being overcome, it would seem that ABC is somehow the problem. As far as The Green Hornet is concerned, it might be relevant that GHI apparently put a stop to each and every over-the-counter VHS release of any Hornet material.

1990: a movie cut from the last six chapters of the first movie serial, on GoodTimes.
1991: The entire first serial, on VCI.
1992(?): The TV series on thirteen two-episode tapes, label unknown to me.
1994: The first theatrical feature edited from TV episodes, on Video Treasures.
1997: The second serial, from Video Treasures/Anchor Bay.

All disappeared (other than some rental outlets retaining copies) in fairly short order. The TV series tapes were mentioned in a letter-to-the-editor in NOW Comics' The Green Hornet Vol. 2, #16, December 1992, as being available from Blockbuster Video. He was working at their distribution center in Dallas. In August 1994 I startd working there, and before that year was out, those tapes were being pulled from circulation and stacked up separately from everything else, and soon disappeared. I just wish I had noted the label (I remember only that it was not a name I was already familiar with) and copyright date for the package design (which would be the year the tapes were issued). Oddly, that published letter and my personal experience are the only evidence I've ever found of this release.

The GREEN HORNET Strikes Again!


VCI Entertainment picked up the license and release the 2 movie serials to DVD

VCI's releases are not only authorized, but they even went to Universal to make new masters from the negativces.

The serials have been available seperately for awhile now (maybe around a year), and this month VCI released (or is releasing, don't remember the date off hand) a set with both serials as part of the character' 75th anniversary. Also VCI is also releasing the "movie" version of the first serial this month.

Besides VCI's website, the DVDs [both the seperate releases and the combined set] are available through most online retailers and you may be able to find it in some stores. You can also get them through VCI's website.


It's a shame that they won't/can't release this on DVD.

With the movie coming out on DVD/Blu-Ray in early May it would seem like a natural to release the series it's based on at the same time.
