Anyone notice?

Anyone notice how the GH movie used a plot element from the TV episode "Bad Bet On A 459-Silent". Kato pretends to shoot Britt Reid in the shoulder in plain view of witnesses, so Britt can get medical treatment for a real gunshot wound without arousing suspicions.

Did the movie use any other plot elements from the TV series?



Too bad they didn't steal more ideas from the TV series--it might have been a better movie.

However, they did use the gimmick of the cars in the garage rotating in the floor. Was that from the original radio program, or made-up for the TV series?



Anyone notice that John Carradine was "The Scarf", and his son David got the part of "Kung Fu" instead of Bruce Lee?

Also, Lloyd Gough who played Mike Axford, guest starred on another series that had Bruce Lee on it, "Longstreet".

Does anyone know if Mako, who fought Kato in "The Preying Mantis" episode, took martial arts from Bruce Lee? I have seen him in other shows where he uses karate, but I don't know if he was acting or not. Steve McQueen took lessons from Bruce, and Mako was in "The Sand Pepples" with McQueen, so maybe there's a connection there.

Bruce Lee was certainly the instructor to the stars. Besides teaching McQueen and Van Williams, I know he taught Lou Alcinder, James Coburn, and James Franciscus and Sterling Silliphant of Longstreet. Any others?

