Wasn't Casey a babe?

Always thought she was terribly sexy. A very sexy 60s woman.


I agree with you completely hellpepper.


Certainly wouldn't have kicked her out of the Black Beauty!


She was cute, judging from a woman's perspective. However, Britt Reid was the babe - he was quite handsome, and classy!


I watched three episodes last night and I noticed a certain sexual tension between Miss Case and Reid, though it was certainly never acted upon. Or was it?


Casey was indeed a B-A-B-E! Wende Wagner had the most beautiful eyes in the world. Didn't she?


Check her out in Rio Conchos.


I agree...I really dig hot 60s babes like Ms. Case. Ginger and Mary Ann from GILLIGAN'S ISLAND were two other hot ladies from the 60s.


Unresolved sexual tension between Britt Reid and Casey Case was hinted at (most certainly, I thought, in the two-part episode "Invasion from Outer Space"), but never acted on, most likely because of the show's 30 minute (less, once you allow for commercials) runtime--there just wasn't time enough for a romantic subplot between Reid and Casey. Heck, there was barely enough time for the main plot in most of the episodes. :-)

The 1990s NOW Comics comic book adaptation of the Green Hornet noted that unresolved sexual tension and ran with it. In their version of the Green Hornet saga, the TV Hornet (the second of several) retired after suffering a non-fatal heart attack, and married Casey, and raised at least one child (named "Dan", of course, after Britt's father).


I agree with everyone else. Lenore Case was a beautiful, sexy, hot '60's babe. Especially in the beginning of the TV series in 1966. I loved her bee-hive buffant...so sexy and sensual...like Venus DeMilo. The high cheekbones ( a result of Actress Wende Wagner's Native American heritage) was also a big advantage. By the 1967 half of the series' run, Casey wore her red hair long, and her dresses short, as the mini-skirt movement came to America, thanks to Twiggy. I thought Casey became even sexier by early '67. In the episode where men from outer space were invading, Casey showed her heroine skills very nicely, escaping her kidnappers and being rescued by the Green Hornet. The writers felt that it was time to make Casey more than just Britt Reid's loyal secretary. Oh, how appealing she was to an eight year-old kid...:-) It's too bad the series faded from everyone's view and lasted just one season...:-( Had it lasted longer, I think Britt Reid and Casey could very well have been more romantically bound.


Loved those cat-eyes . . . and the mini-skirt in "Invasion From Outer Space".



How would you know? By your own admission you have never seen anything of the tv series.



If you mean Cameron Diaz, she moved on to other projects very quickly as soon as she wrapped GHINO as she knew it would be a crap-fest.
