ELECTION DAY 11/06/2012

Today is Election Day. Please go out and vote. As you Green Hornet fans know, that is the legacy of the Green Hornet.


How about a system where, for each given "office", you can cast one vote, but it can be either "positive", or "negative"; so that, where there may be a "pool of candidates" where you don't have one particular favorite, but there may be one candidate you especially dislike, you can cast your vote against that person, rather than "for" anyone in particular. (Also applicable to "ballot questions", which could be useful in thwarting "three-headed monster"-type questions.)

I can foresee a situation where, for some office with three candidates, nearly every voter expresses their choice in the negative, so the winner is the one whose tally is the "least negative", or actually, a fourth person with a single "write-in" vote (or maybe, from a long list of write-ins, one who got TWO!).



ELECTION DAY was 11/06/2012. You guys missed it.


I think what burrell dale meant was that the idea of voting being the legacy of TGH was "news to him", not that "today is election day" is "news...". But if I'm wrong, sorry. (The voting/legacy matter stumps me, too, being a GH newbie...)

And I didn't miss election day!


George Trendle who created the Lone Ranger decided we needed a more modern hero and more adult orientated. He said he wanted this hero to be an influence on people. The hornet fought corrupt and lazy politicians and Trendle wanted this hero to inspire people to get out and vote to change things. Basically if you respect the things the Green Hornet stood for you would be sure to get out and vote.



