I don't think the Hornet could get away with it
I don't think The Green Hornet would be able to get away with his method of operating if he did it in real life. Here's what I mean.
The way he works is that he pretends to be a criminal in order to gain the trust of actual criminals. After doing business with them he
double-crosses them, and they end up arrested, generally by Scanlon and crew.
He might be able to pull this off on his first gig. Possibly his second and maybe his third. But after that, the crooks would start talking. The criminal underworld would figure out that everyone who has dealings with the Hornet ends up in the slammer. And then the Hornet's career would be over. No one would ever trust him again. (This is aside from the fact that no crook would willingly do business with someone who wears a mask in the first place, but let's suspend disbelief on that for now.)
The Hornet wouldn't last long if he worked this way, because everyone would catch on. If he rats out criminals all the time, what criminal would have any involvement with him?
I do love the show, and I've been a GH fan for years, but I find his methods to be unfeasible. He could never, never get away with it. Could he?