French's injured hand

..cant remember which season, but there are episodes where Sebastian Cabot has an injured hand...the thing that gets me though is they dont have Mr Davis helping him out in any way ("here French, let me do that for ya")..nope, he still lounges in his chair waiting for French to serve him..
..but then, they showed no mercy for Buffy and her broken leg, did they?


I just got season one on DVD and I am watching it now. I noticed that Mr. French's hand was wrapped in three or four episodes. I was wondering if they were going to explain the injury or if any of the family members would offer him any help considering how much he was there to ingrain values and proper upbringing into the house. hmm.


i am wondering the same thing, actually.


They just don't coddle the help.


If they didn't mention it they were hoping you didn't notice it.

Polls... One of the Main Stream Media's Jedi Mind Tricks.


I'm guessing if it wasn't mentioned, then the injury wasn't written "into" the script. That is is likely why it was never mentioned.
