The episode with Eve Plumb as the sick girl was the most poignant episode of the series. It aired on Nov. 11th, 1968 and capped off a year full of assassination, war, and a lost election, so this was just a symptom of the collective unconscious of the time. Any thoughts?
For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood... (;-p)
Madman, I assume NBV just was unaware of that period, so let me just tell those who don't know. This episode aired 6 days after Humphrey lost to Nixon, which meant 4 more years of war, corruption, and Watergate. I know some may ask, what does that have to do with this episode. I'd say lots, since the medium is the message.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood... (;-p)
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humphrey wasn't the "anti-war" candidate either.watergate happened as the war was winding down and troops were being withdrawn. even draft call ups had stopped by summer of 1972. i am not interested in getting into a pissing match or being baited because that is what i believe he was looking for with that comment.dems and reps both share their responsibility on this war
True Humphrey wasn't considered an anti-war candidate. Nevertheless had he won the war would have ended quickly. Nixon expanded the war and conducted massive bombing well after the Watergate story broke. Actually "Watergate" could be considered a catchphrase for all of Nixon's corruption which began the day he took office. Anyway this episode was written and filmed prior to the election, but captured the mood of the country at the time.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood... (;-p)
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I think you're confusing normal VP power (which is zero) to Cheney VP power (he was the acting president). Fact is all those so-called anti-war activists that were shouting down Humphrey were helping Nixon slip into power. You don't need a retro-active crystal ball to know what Humphrey would have done as President. His whole public life can be read about if one takes the time.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood... (;-p)
It's unfortunate that you choose to question the legitimacy of my posts and then name call when I successfully defend them. But I do admit one thing. One of us is posting illegitimately; either me or you. However I see you've deleted all your posts so others won't realize it's the latter.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood... (;-p)
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Enough of the political BS. This was a sad episode and I do applaud FA for a rather ground breaking episode. This was truly "going there" if you know what I mean.
"A real man would rather bow down to a strong woman than dominate a weak one"