Time to start a new Batman in the style of the 60's series
Fully stylized with as little backstory about Robin and Bruce as possible, no killing of his parents and similar adult themes. Make the film in a true comic book fashion, that focuses on courage and heroism, not tragedy and other "serious" concepts. None of the films about Batman have been done that way yet, no one even came close, completely misrepresenting the essence that was much closer to Indiana Jones than anything else, there was no tragedy involved, it was fun. Avoid all the depressing tones and stupid adult dramas that simply feel out of place in a film where a guy wears a batman mask, and you're on the right track, you can not make 50% comic book film and 50% film set in a world resembling ours like Nolan's films, give it to Disney or Spielberg if necessary, and really make it focused only on things that the series did, the same way like Indiana Jones, to make it really spectacular, instead give them bigger adventures, and travel around the world. This series has so much potential. Nolan's films could have worked basically with any character that wears some kind of a mask. It would be nice to see filmmakers go back and try to give it Indy Jones, Star Wars, Harry Potter tone instead.