MovieChat Forums > Terrore nello spazio (1965) Discussion > Speed Racer's Voice Actor Peter Fernande...

Speed Racer's Voice Actor Peter Fernandez Dubbed Wess' Lines

I don't see a credit here, but it's clearly the dubbed voice of pre-Speed Racer Peter Fernandez for the character of Wess in Planet of the Vampires (Terrore nello Spazio) from 1965.

A little Google search confirms this:

It should be added to his credits on IMDB but it isn't.


Thanks for confirming it was Peter Fernandez. His voice is really distinctive, and every time Wess said something I felt like I was watching some bizarre, lost Mario Bava-directed episode of Speed Racer.


I don't recall the actor's name or the character he voiced in PotV but I recognized another Speed Racer voice actor in this movie. He had deeper voice than Fernandez and did several SR characters, the only one I can name is Inspector Detector.


Thank you. I recognized the voice as familiar but couldn't place where I had heard it. That was it. This was a nice atomospheric movie. It was the direction that made this despite the low production costs.
