Going thru "Checkpoint Charlie"

In 1963 (I'd assume it would be two years before the filming), there was no straight shot thru the border crossing; As you crossed from U.S. Berlin into East Berlin, you would find a wall extending from your left to a point halfway thru this entry. Then about 30/50 feet later, another wall from the right hand side requiring an almost agonizing turn to make it impossible for any vehicle to head thru at any speed over 10/15 M.P.H. If memory serves me correctly, my visit to East Berlin was taken about sixteen months after the wall was originally constructed; By limiting the gate between the U.S. Army versus the East Berlin gate, it would make it impossible to drive a potent auto such as a Porsche from the East to the West unless the Auto had wings. I was an Army SP5 at the time and thus had guaranteed entrance into East Berlin as long as I was not in uniform! The most striking things about my visit was that on a gorgeous June day, there were almost no locals taking a stroll as you would find in any sizable West German city.


I was surprised also that they did not make it look like the actual Checkpoint Charlie, which must have been pretty familiar to people having been much in the news at that time.
