What great music!

I'm a big John Wayne fan and hadn't seen this in quite a while. It's not one of my favorites but I forgot how great the music is! Really, it's as good as any of the marvelous themes that ELmer Bernstein created for all his movies. Glad I got to watch it again today!



Fairly similar maybe......but considering the same guy, Elmer Berstein, wrote both themes, I'll give it a pass.


Made me think of cigarettes.



The music is the best thing about it. I want so desperately to like the movie, I've given it a look a couple of times now, but it just does nothing for me at all.

I knew I was on to something when that taxi driver kidnapped me.


Did a search for Bernstein on Spotify yesterday and, must say, his jazz-oriented stuff is fantastic. Hadn't heard most of it but am a fan now. And I generally don't like jazz.

Give a listen to "Walk on the Wild Side" or "The Man With The Golden Arm," or any of his other such scores.


It's rousing, but it's also so similar to his score for THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN that it sounds like he's ripping himself off.



I always enjoy listening to an Elmer Bernstein score, and this is no exception, but I, too, felt he was covering territory already explored in 'The Magnificent Seven'. It's interesting to note, however, the rather broad range of opinions regarding this film's score; some posters insist they really hate this score, which I personally find rather odd.


There are definitely elements of both "The Sons of Katie Elder" (especially the main theme song)and "The Magnificent Seven" (the Spanish cords) incorporated into the music of "True Grit". Elmer Bernstein's music is easily recognizeable.


Bernstein's score for The Comancheros is quite similar as well (but also an excellent score).
