The problem with the film is that it peaks too soon. The first 20 or 30 minutes establishing Mortimer, Manco, and Indio are fantastic sequences. Some of the best opening scenes in any western. Spaghetti or Hollywood.
Sergio Leone before or since never did this again where the main characters have their own introductory scenes as if they have their own little short film, and from Mortimer's scene on the train to Indio's jail break, it's terrific.
Then it just starts to drag a bit. The hat shooting scene isn't as exciting as it could've been. The bank robbery is boring, and frankly doesn't make much sense. Mortimer wants to kill Indio but stays in his hotel room? And then because Leone didn't want Eastwood's character to escape again because it would just mean doing another Yojimbo/Fistful, it means Indio letting them escape which means blaming his men etc and it just meanders. For me, the film fails to live up to the promising beginning.