David Lynch
Copied from this? I first saw this when I was 18 - (1969) and was blown away. I thought way ahead of anything that I had seen in American cinema.
shareCopied from this? I first saw this when I was 18 - (1969) and was blown away. I thought way ahead of anything that I had seen in American cinema.
shareHard to say if that was an influence on Lynch - the movie copies French New Wave with its own flavor of its distinguished settings, nicely rendered in black-and-white. This is a unique film and I liked it but I think some of it is slightly more Godardian and I see little evidence of Lynch seeking inspiration from this.
Films are not reality. Reality is not film. Film is only an approximation of reality.
MICKEY ONE is practically a template for David Lynch's ERASERHEAD! There are so many similarities, I'm surprised no one has done a web page comparing them!
Questions?/Comments? * This Has Been e-mail From: "Dr. Mark" Hill * The Doctor Of Pop Culture /*/ [email protected]