Cast For A Remake?

Will anyone not kill me if I suggest that it would be interesting to try and remake this movie, relying on the original script and perhaps even including the opening Apache massacre? It wouldn't be Peckinpah, but it might still be neat to see.

That being said, I think it would be nearly impossible to replace this movie's cast . . . I can't really think, with the possible exception of Senta Berger, of a part that was badly done. This is just something I like doing from time to time; I am certainly not advocating a remake, unless it's by someone who can make a movie even close to the original.

Here's my cast:

Dundee - Harrison Ford would be perfect, but he's at least twenty years too old . . . Viggo Mortensen maybe?
Tyreen - I'm torn between Liam Neeson and Sam Neill (maybe Ewan McGregor if they're too old?)
Lt. Graham - Jeremy Davies
Samuel Potts - Ron Perlman (not an Indian, but he'd be fun to watch)
Trooper Ryan - Ryan Gosling or Lucas Black
Teresea (if she must be in it) - Sophie Marceau
Sgt. Gomez - Benicio Del Torro (no more Germans playing Hispanics please!)
Aesop - Will Smith (I want to stay away from older actors since Brock Peters was in his thirties . . . no Denzel Washingtons or Samuel L. Jacksons, please.)
O.W. Hadley - Barry Pepper
Arthur Hadley - Giovanni Ribisi
Jimmy Lee Benteen - Steve Railsback
Sergeant Chillum - Sam Elliot
Reverend Dahlstrom - William Forsythe
Wiley - Randy Quaid
Benjamin Priam - Judd Nelson
Sierra Charriba - James Remar
Riago - Jesse Borengo
Captain Waller - William H. Macy
Captain Tremaine - Jean Reno in cameo
Dr. Aguilar - Emilio Echevarria
Lt. Bannin - An uncredited Elijah Wood

I don't think I forgot any major characters. Anyone else want to join in? Or are you all too offended?

Edited by changing two characters.

"It is recognized that you have a funny sense of fun." - Claude Rains, "Lawrence of Arabia"


No movie studio would ever want to remake this movie. I would be considered way too politically incorrect. I'm sure that it would draw all sorts of protests.


That's quite true, what with all of the murderous Indians and all. Hey, maybe we can a movie where a command of white soldiers attacks an Indian settlement for no reason and . . . oh wait, that was "Dances With Wolves" or "Little Big Man". Sorry.

"It is recognized that you have a funny sense of fun." - Claude Rains, "Lawrence of Arabia"


That didn't happen in Dances With Wolves.


Oh, I'm sorry. I was thinking of "Soldier Blue" and "Dances With Wolves" came to mind for some reason. But I certainly see your point.

"It is recognized that you have a funny sense of fun." - Claude Rains, "Lawrence of Arabia"


I don't know if it could be remade, hancock, depending on the sensiblities of the American society (40 year interval). Also, I wouldn't be so hard on the Teresa character, because the producer, Jerry Bressler, hacked the film (Peckinpah disowned it) up because he wanted it to more audience-accessible, less violent (he produced two "Gidget films and started out as a songwriter. Go figure!!! and piss off Peckinpah because he was being an outlaw in the Hollywood atmosphere.

Remakes, IMO, nowadays are excuses for movie bigwigs to make cash without taking a risk, and original work is left on the slush pile.


Besides being 'politically incorrect' not very many people care for 'western's these days. I saw this when it first came out and was blown away by it. To try and 'remake' it would surely end up a 'hack' job and therefore should be left alone. It's sad that the 'producer's' made Peckinpah 'cut' his own vision all to hell,...then turn around after the success of the Wild Bunch and ask Peck to film most of what was cut or not filmed at all. Peckinpah was a master, and it's just a damn shame that the studio would not allow Peck his original vision.

The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get!


I dunno Hancock,....

I can see Harrison Ford as Gen. Jim Mattis, USMC but not as Maj. Amos Charles Dundee.

I think Kevin COstner would be a good Dundee.
I think Daniel Craig would be the only actor to carry off the 'dash' of Tyree.
Love your choice for Sam Potts. I think that Lucas Black would be better as Jimmy Lee (mainly because Jimmy Lee survives), and they would have to give Sgt Chillum a bigger part if Sam Elliot was going to play him. I don't think Lt. Brannin requires an actor like Elijah Wood to play him for him 30 seconds of screen time, Jason London is a possibility though.

"I'm goin' to war...with every one of them carpetbaggin' sons a B!#+c#es!"


Let's ask an expert!
The man that played the Apache renegade is still alive. Ask Michael Pate. he writes for Boyd Mager's "Western Clippings"

YE must be born again
