Just wondering how much violence is there in the movie and how bad is it?
shareThere's a decent amount. There are three full-scale battle scenes and a few other people get killed off along the way. The violence is more graphic than a lot of contemporary films (especially the river filled with blood in the final battle) but by modern standards it's pretty tame.
"The best of them won't come for money - they'll come for ME!" - Lawrence of Arabia
A good comparison is another Peckinpah film, The Wild Bunch. It's not nearly as graphic, blood squibs aren't used here, but much of the fighting is pretty vicious. As Hancock pointed out, that last battle in the river with the French is probably the most violent thing in the movie. Great battle scene though. A completely chaotic fight, but you've always got a sense of what's going on.
"Congratulations, Major. It appears that at last you have found yourself a real war." Ben Tyreen
The only violence I saw was to the HORSES! I feel sorry for the way animals were treated in many of these old western films.
clearly you could see cables pulling them to the ground and horses in the background freaking out. ugh.
"HOLY CRAP LOIS!" ~ peter griffin
Why don't you watch it a find out.