Texas has an area of 268,581 square miles (696,241 square kilometers) so three times the size of Texas would be about 805,743 square miles (2,088,723 square kilometers).
New Mexico has an area of 121,589 square miles (315,194 square kilometers).
Arizona has an area of 113,990 square miles (295,234 square kilometers).
Sonora has an area of 69,249 square miles (179,355 square kilometers).
Chihuahua has an area of 95,540 square miles (247,540 square kilometers).
Coahuila has an area of 58,531 square miles (151,531 square kilometers).
So together Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Sonora, Chihuahua and Coahuila have a total area of 724,480 square miles (1,885,095 square kilometers) which is 2.69 times the size of Texas alone. That is a little closer to 3 times the size of Texas than to 2 times the seize of Texas.
And if that is not enough one could add Oklahoma with 69,897 square miles (181,295 square kilometers) and/or Durango with 47,613 square miles (123,317 square kilometers) to the total area raided by Sierra Charriba. That should bring the total up to three times The size of Texas.
Of course no real Apaches raided over so large an area, and the narrator must have used a really odd and unusual definition of "New Mexico" to say that such a large area was in "New Mexico".