Just finished watching it.
Well, to say that I had no idea that they were speaking Esperanto is putting it mildly. I had taped it off of TCM a while back and just got around to viewing it.
At first I thought it was a foreign language movie with english subtitles. The dubbing was atrocious. The words did not match the lips. Then I watched and the lips were saying the same thing that I was hearing in the audio. But the lips and sound was not synchronized. Then, I tried to figure out what language. I said "Italian?, nah!!!! Spanish??? nah!!!
I went crazy. I then said out loud "William Shatner is saying his lines (it was his voice right?, because I'm a Star Trek person, so I knew it was his voice.
Then I said to myself 'So William Shatner made a foreign film and actually spoke the language but there is bad dubbing, and everybody is being dubbed, etc."
That's when I came here and discovered the whole movie was filmed in Esperanto.
Holy Cow!!