Do you think William Shatner still knows Esperanto?
... Justin
Shatner probably studied Esperanto briefly, if at all, before making this picture. I'd guess that learned his lines phonetically without really understanding the language.
All the universe . . . or nothingness. Which shall it be, Passworthy? Which shall it be?
I agree, he probably learned it just well enough for the move. Perhaps a little more.
"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."
Don't you still have some knowledge of any foreign language you may have taken in school? Maybe not enough to carry on a smooth conversation, but enough to get by or to possibly read it??
I had to use brain cells unused for thirty years when I translated a billboard which was in the background of a picture someone had taken on vacation. This person had no idea what it said. I didn't know all of the words, but enough to make sense of the sign.
Viva, la France!!!
Shatner and the film’s other actors were not Esperanto speakers. They learned their lines phonetically in just a few weeks, and filmed them without an Esperanto expert on set. Unsurprisingly, the film was slammed by actual Esperanto speakers when it debuted at the San Francisco Film Festival in 1966. Film critics, unaware that the Esperanto pronunciation was atrocious, tended to enjoy the film.