The Greatest Film of All Time? Maybe.
One reviewer annointed "The Hill" with that title and added that we have to "get over" Citizen Kane". A couple of thoughts.
1) Movies are so diverse that you can't really compare them unless they are, well, comperable. I have no idea how to compare "The Hill" to Citizen Kane or 2001 A Space Odyessy" or "Singing in the Rain" or "La Dolce Vita" or "The Adventrues of Robin Hood" or whatever. The title is thus kind of meaningless.
2) Everyone has the right to their own opinion. Nobody's opinion of a film is based on what somebody else thought of it, (unless they've never seen it themselves). What no individual has the right to do is to, by themsleves, declare a film to be the "the greatest film of all timne", as opposed to their favorite. Greatness is the sum total of the decisions of individuals, not the decision of one individual. If it was the decision of one individual, then only that person would have a right to his own opinion. Telling people that a film is your favorite doesn't constitute a demand that anyone agree with you. Telling everyone that a film is "the greatest" does.
By the way, my favorite film is "Cool Hand Luke", a film similar in many ways to "The Hill" but more sentimental, (especially with that harmonica music). "The Hill" is perhaps more brutally direct because of the lack of sentiment but I'm an old softy from way back and when that harmonica starts wailing, I'm a gonner.